Monday, October 7, 2013

Love you

We have all learned a lot about love since we were just little kids. Ariel, Cinderella, and a few other Disney characters taught us that life isn't very much fun until you meet someone, fall in love, and live happily ever after. As a woman living in 2013, this sounds awfully silly. And yet, as silly as it sounds, I think a lot of women still truly believe it. Cher asked if we believe in life after love, but I'm asking you if you believe in such a thing as a happy, content life as a woman before love?

We all have that girlfriend or family member who is struggling, unsure of themselves, and trying to find their way in the world. How many times have you heard other women say, "I hope she finds someone." As if loving someone else will solve all of her issues with herself. You know what I hope for that scared young woman? I hope she finds herself. I hope she learns what she wants and how to make herself happy all on her own. I hope she is able to look in the mirror and know she is beautiful inside and out - without validation. I hope she finds confidence and strength to deal with the challenges that life will undoubtedly throw her way. I hope she finds work that satisfies her and provides her with enough means to live comfortably. Someone once said to me "you're the only person who is with you for your entire life- so you should probably learn how to get along with yourself." How true that is. Love is a fantastic and beautiful thing, but only after you have a handle on your relationship with you. Carrie Bradshaw said it best:
"...the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Live Your Life

It's easy to get sucked into that little screen - especially now that it has your work email, social networks, texts, and picture shares all in an instant. I am absolutely guilty of choosing my phone over real life at times - but I'm actively working on getting away from this bad habit

It feels good to forget your phone. Or forget to charge it and let it die - I am notorious for this. If you don't take a picture, instagram a video, or tweet something witty, it all still happened. And you probably were more in tune with whatever spectacular moment you chose to live instead of simply document.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Work like a dog

This photo that one of my fabulous co-workers sent me this morning ensuring that my weekend will be awesome. This is her dog at her desk. I loled. All the credit goes to her, but I had to spread the joy.

Luci at work
 Happy Friday!


Bounce Back

Can you really call yourself a big city gal if your car hasn't been towed twice in one week for a sweet deal of $700 in cash all because you forgot to display your parking pass? I've verbally abused myself, the towing company, and our adorably nonsensical apartment manger quite a bit this week - not publicly of course, just to my mom, roommate, and boyfriend. I realize I am a bit harsh on the apartment-manager-that-must-not-be-named, but this person will not allow my roommate and I to purchase (for a small monthly fortune) a second parking pass so that we don't have to keep sharing the one flimsy thing - mind you, I have never seen our parking lot full- not even close. I know the Biebs said not to say never but NEVER. Therefore, adorably and nonsensical are the adjectives I am sticking with.

It could be much worse, but this week has been challenging to say the very least. The eternal optimist in me feels the most important piece of that sentence is that "it could be much worse." Because it could be. Frustrating things happen and we all make dumb mistakes, but how important it is to be able to bounce back and move on with your day? Epictetus was so right, "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."

How do you bounce back?


Thursday, September 5, 2013

A kid at heart

When I was a little girl, I was very bad when it came to going to bed. So bad that our pediatrician suggested to my mother to put a lock on the outside of my bedroom door. I would yell, scream, run out of my room, sneak out of my room, anything I could do to get out of going to bed. One night my uncle was over for a visit. It was about time for bed and, like clockwork, I began to whine.
"I wish I was a grown up so I didn't have to go to bed!" I had a lot of energy, still do.
My mom shook her head- she must have been pretty tired of my protests by that point.
"Come here Logan," my uncle asked. I walked over to him.
"You do not want to be a grown up, trust me," my uncle said.
"What? Of course I do! You guys can eat whatever you want and you don't have to go to bed or anything," I explained.
"You're right about those things, but you know what else we have to do?" he asked.
"What?" I wondered.
"We have to pay bills. Lots and lots of bills. We have to work all the time so we can make money to pay our bills. It is not fun and I wish I could be a kid again."

This conversation happened nearly 20 years ago and I remember it like yesterday- clearly, it made a big impact on me. Bills and work sounded way worse than eating apples and going to bed on time. That night I went right to bed and thought about what my uncle said. I decided I didn't want to be a grown up. Being a kid was really fun so I would just try to do that for as long as I could. My mom said that my dad was a "kid at heart"-he still is. He wanted to play games, make up songs, and joke around - he still does. I have always wanted to be like my dad in that way. This quote reminds me of the wild imagination and sense of wonder we adults tend to lose in the day-to-day routine of working hard and paying bills. To me, being a kid at heart means keeping life fun, hopeful, and positive. So remember, "keep believing, keep pretending."


Friday, August 30, 2013

For the love of cuteness, watch this

Happy Friday!

What is it about cute animals fitting into small places that is so amusing? Around 1:12, I laughed out loud.This video started my Friday off right- I hope it makes you smile. Be safe in your travels & have fun on your adventures. Enjoy this long holiday weekend.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Don't ever forget

There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.
- William J. Clinton
First inaugural address
Washington, D.C.
January 20, 1993

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Birthday Wishes

It's pretty hard to believe I will be 25 in 4 days. I remember my seventh birthday like it was yesterday. My most attentive and caring mother took my favorite Snow White Barbie to a local bakery where they put Ms. White in the middle of the cake and decorated the cake as her big beautiful ball gown all around her. My Mother was so excited to bring my cake out - as she should have been. What a fun, thoughtful idea, right?

Wrong. Seven-year-old Logan was extremely concerned for the well-being of her favorite doll. She was COVERED in icing! What was my Mom thinking?! Why would a cake decorator do such a thing? I was disgusted and unamused to say the least. My poor mother. Memories like this make me realize what a thankless job parenting must be at times. Going through all that trouble just to have your seven year old turn her nose up at you and stare in horror at the cake you so carefully designed.

Today when the Snow White cake is brought up, my mom gives me that look only a mom can give, and usually says "you little brat." Completely deserved. This is one of the few times in my life I can remember that my mom got me something that I didn't love. My mom has excellent taste. So does her mom. At least I think they do. I hardly ever make a Christmas list or birthday wish list as a result. Sure there are usually a couple things I might have in mind, but the things my mom picks out for me always end up being my favorite. For example, this past Christmas my parents bought me a Kindle. This idea wasn't even on my radar, but it was my most favorite gift- I was so excited. Although my mom does the best job of picking out gifts for me, I do have a few things that I would be pretty excited to get this year...

(Click on photos to see where I found items on my wishlist)

Who wouldn't want to cuddle with this little guy? Go O's!
LOVE this pillow from Etsy - matches my new room too :)
Proceeds from PeaceBomb project bracelets  go toward clearing bomb littered land in Laos.
The Brave Collection helps fight human trafficking in Cambodia.
I love NPR & Coffee. Perfect.
I bought myself an early birthday present this year. Fell in love with it Saturday night and had to go pick up the last one after work this evening. They were sold out online. Here's the newest addition to my fossil handbag collection:
Simple and classic, my two favorites.
Thanks for tuning in.


Monday, May 20, 2013

"All Growed Up" ?

Certain things have me feeling like more of an adult lately and they aren't the things I would have expected. Technically at 24, I am very much an adult. However, I aspire to be like my 58 year old dad and never truly grow up. I love being able to laugh like a child at adult situations that are not as serious as your adult-self makes them out to be. I also delight in 8-year-old boy humor - fart jokes and such. I wish I was kidding. So inappropriate. Why are they so funny!? I think I spent too much time with my dad and brother as a child. I digress.

Yes I live in a big girl apartment, am paying bills, working full-time, etc. On the other hand, I have "The Sims 3" on my phone, I watch children's movies on a regular basis, and if it was socially acceptable to play with Barbies at my age, I definitely would (much of the reason I want to have a daughter someday). Lately though, I keep noticing small differences -ones that I wouldn't have thought of- in myself that make me feel not so much like a kid anymore. They aren't bad things, just different.

1. Leaving lipstick marks on my coffee cup. Isn't that how your mom's cups always were? Moms are the most grown of the grown-ups. They know everything.

2. Making myself busy when I am upset. I got homesick two weeks ago. Rather than indulging in the sadness, I went to Ikea, bought a six drawer dresser, hauled, and assembled it that evening - BY MYSELF. The other day I got really frustrated at work. I went into our office kitchen and vigorously scrubbed probably 20 dirty dishes. Both times I felt better. Or maybe I just felt too tired to remember the other feelings. Either way, it works.

3. Always making sure my nails look nice. I don't let the same polish chip away for three months as I have for the better part of my life. When it starts to chip, I remove it. Crazy, I know.

4. Taking clothes to the dry cleaners. I found a local dry cleaners that I like - and I take my blazers, work pants, other "DRY CLEAN ONLY" items there. Gone are the days of "Oh, it says 'dry clean only' that's probably an exaggeration, right? "...
...."Wait. Why do my favorite khaki dress pants look like a soggy burrito!?" 

5. Making my bed daily. Something about purchasing the bedspread on my own and paying an arm in rent each month makes me care that my apartment looks neat each day. Again, who am I? 

What does being an adult mean to you? Have you noticed changes in yourself that make you feel like a "grown-up"? 


P.S. If you got the Rugrats reference in the title, you probably watched Nickelodeon almost as much as I did.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm the worst, but I'm not sorry.

It has been exactly 7 weeks since my last entry. Life has been a tad bit busy. My new years blog resolution took a backseat to working, moving, and traveling. But I'm mostly settled in and thus ready to continue sharing.

Work consumes most of my time, which I love. I seriously love working. I love my job. I love having goals and accomplishing them. My coworkers are fabulous. I love working on a team, mentoring students, hiring new students. So far, my position is really rewarding. And I get paid to do this? Totally worth the wait.

So far, my apartment is fantastic & my roommate is super cool. Although I haven't had the chance to spend much time here. I moved in 3 weeks ago today and this is my first day off that I am spending here in Baltimore. Crazy. Last weekend was spent in South Beach with my mother, aunt, and one of my most favorite cousins - my bff was able to come for parts too :) We had silly amounts of fun. The weekend before that I spent at home sweet home, Ohio. Another of my aunts finally found her other half and was married on a beautiful sunny day before my whole huge family. We obviously danced and sang/screamed all night long. I think I'm just finally getting my voice fully back from that event. Worth it. The weekend before that, I moved to the city. Crazy. And then the weekend before that I visited another of my many awesome cousins in Virginia. Time goes so quickly when you don't ever sit still. I have been trying to capture each of these moments in my memory and by photograph. Rather than selecting a few funny stories - which seems overwhelming...they will come to me in time - I will share with you my last several weeks in photos. I'm off to my first Orioles game in a few short hours! Happy viewing.

Hung out with best friends before leaving the buckeye state.
Packed up the old Odyssey. 
Milo tried to come... holy moly I miss him.
Celebrated O's 21st / moved to Annapolis.
Became a Retriever. 
Hung out with O :)
And with my super cool Naptown roomies!

Made a new friend. SNOWY McFLUFFFACE

Got crafty with friends in Deep Creek. 

Laughed a lot with Tay.

Visited Steph in VA. We love each other.

Moved to Baltimore....

This was my nightstand for 2 weeks.

Met Steph again to road trip to OH.

To see this breathtaking bride.

And this handsome BIG lil bro.

Then South Beach for Mothers Day :)

Of course working tirelessly & making it rain all along...
...this is the good life.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Black & Gold?

My dad raised me to hate the joined colors black & gold from a very young age. As a result of growing up in Northeastern Ohio, we have the bitter sweet burden of being Browns fans. The general rule: we want the Browns to win, the Steelers to lose, and everything else to line up so those first two things can happen. Every season begins with lots of chatter about the promising potential of the new season. New players, new coaches, and a new beginning. Inevitably, every season -and most games- end in disappointment. If it isn't clear from my extremely basic explanation, I admittedly don't pay a lot of attention to the NFL. I try to follow it enough to know what's going on. But the big picture is that there is always a new season, we always hope, and we are always let down. And when we are let down, we root against the Steelers.

UMBC's Golden Retriever Mascot.
Imagine my awkward inner conflict when I come to find that UMBC's colors are primarily black & gold. My first trip to the bookstore was tough. Trying to pick out a subtle shirt that doesn't go completely against the basic foundation of being someone from Canton, Ohio. Black and yellow are evil. We don't wear those colors. It sounds silly because it is. And don't worry, it's not that dramatic or important. But I would be lying if I told you I didn't cringe when I walked in that bookstore, choose a plain grey shirt and walk out. It will probably be a little while before I can dress with more spirit. 

One place I have found that I have no troubles wearing black and gold is in my professional attire. It doesn't look athletic so no one associates it that way. In the last week I have rocked a few different black and gold outfits. All of these items are recent purchases (or gifts) of mine that I wore this week and am so excited to wear over and over again.

1. Gold Necklace, $18 at Charming Charlie
2. Calvin Klein Dress, gift from my aunt
3. Anchor bracelet, gift from one of my best friends from Sara Aghili
4. Tunic Blouse, $23 from Target
I wore 1 & 4 together earlier this week.
Something gold I would like to acquire: How cute is this dainty elephant necklace?
$15 from LemonTreeLand's Shop on Etsy :)
How do your loyalties or dislikes dictate your wardrobe? Do you cringe at the site of certain colors and delight in others?


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy People

Saw this quote earlier this week and can't forget it. How true.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

First Day

It's been a while since I last posted. Been a little busy. Packed up most of everything I own and moved it to Annapolis, Maryland last week. This past week, I started my new job (I love it so far), and have been trying to navigate this new location and chapter in my life. I thought I would share with you my first morning as a full-time working professional because it was a complete disaster. And don't we all feel a little bit better when we know someone else's life is as out of control as our own at times? I know I do.

It was the morning of Tuesday March 12, 2013. I woke up at about 6:30am to get ready for my first day of my new job. Went upstairs (I am currently living with my awesome Aunt, Uncle, and cousin while I search for a place closer to work), ate breakfast, etc. At about 7am, the power goes out. Apparently there is some major construction going on down the road so they had to turn the power off for a couple hours to configure the power in their new giant building. To the leaders of this project I would like to say:

1) Great time choice. I'm sure no one else was getting ready for work around that time on a TUESDAY.
2) It was pouring down rain, so how did that whole electrical thing go for you?
3) I'm really not that angry about it. I actually have laughed a lot about it since. So we're cool, right?

Anyway, powers out. This is when you realize that in complete darkness, your iPhone flashlight isn't even that bright at all-pretty lame actually. Thank the sweet heavens that I didn't have to shower, I picked out my outfit the night before, and that the high bun is super in right now. Doing makeup by candlelight is pretty difficult, especially if you're not trying to go for the drag queen look. I think I did alright. I just told myself that if anyone jokingly asked, "What did you do- get ready in the dark?!" I would simply say "Yes, yes I did." Got out the door and on the drive toward Baltimore. This is when I learned that 695 is a hellish nightmare from around 7:40-8:15am and today it happens to be pouring rain. I'm in the far right lane (of five lanes) and going nowhere. We start to move forward, but I need the lane to my left. Look over my left shoulder, no one is coming, I start to merge, only to notice a massive semi-truck at full speed merging into that same lane from the left side. Obviously, HOLY CRAP -I hit the gas so as not to be hit by him on my driver's side just as the car in front of me came to a screeching halt. I clipped the back left corner of a very nice woman's Toyota Camry with my sweet little Honda Accord's right headlight. Oh my gosh I'm going to throw up cry jump out of my new pencil skirt immediately. I did none of those things. Everyone is okay. Damage is minor. Exchanged information, called insurance agent, and handled it all like a big girl. The whole while thinking "Keep it together Logan, this is your first day of work. Keep it together." Also knowing that I could definitely not call my mother because the sound of her selfless, maternal, perfect voice would most definitely send me in an emotional downward spiral. Arrived to work with no further issues other than that feeling of wanting to cry and throw up simultaneously, but reminding myself to be thankful that it was as minor as it was. Made it to work 10 minutes EARLY. I was one of the first people to arrive to the office. Set the security alarm off, did not know the code. Tracked down someone downstairs with the code and also someone to unlock my office. Then my office alarm went off. Fortunately, a woman that knew the code was down the hall. Whew. Sat down at my new desk and took a very deep breath. I made it. I was there.

Aside from a power outage, fender bender, and a false security breach, I had a wonderful first day. I was at my new job which I would soon learn that I love, working in an office full of amazing people in a cool place. I also had to remind myself that in the whole world, that morning was great compared to people that don't wake up in a nice warm bed or have anything to eat for breakfast. Any of my "bad" days are a lot better than many other people's normal days. So through this morning and my first week at work, I couldn't help but feel how absolutely blessed I am.

Have you had a bad day lately? How do you handle it and bounce back? How do you remind yourself that you are lucky when you're feeling a bit unlucky?


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

So Much to Smile About

“This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.” -Marilyn Monroe


Monday, February 25, 2013


For the last ten months I have been working for my dad's small business (SWS) and living at home with my parents. I graduated with my masters of education in May of 2012 and have been ardently pursuing the job search since then. I am very blessed to be able to live at home and work for my dad, which I actually really enjoy. I can definitely see myself coming back to the family business, but I also want to venture away to experience a new place and work in the field that I have studied. I'm not sure if I will love or hate this next chapter of my life, but I know it is an adventure that I need and am ready to begin.

During this in-between time, I got down on myself a lot. It has taken me a good deal longer to land a position in my field than most of my former classmates. I often felt as though I should be somewhere else, like this wasn't what I was supposed to be doing. I learned quickly that should or shouldn't and what if thinking is in no way constructive. It's extremely destructive and makes you feel much worse about most situations. Around the time I began to spiral into these negative thoughts, I received a card from a great friend and sorority sister of mine that read "You are exactly where you need to be." I can't tell you how many times I have read that card. Reminding myself of this makes me feel more appreciative of where I am in any moment. Of course some days it is easier to believe this than others, but I think it's important to tell yourself this everyday. Especially on the days that it's most difficult to believe. "I am exactly where I need to be."

Yesterday I began sorting through everything I own so that I can pack it up and move to a new city for a new job. I am leaving my Canton, Ohio home sweet home for the east coast in just 10 short days. Initially, I didn't think much of cleaning out and organizing my stuff. Mostly I thought "This kind of sucks" and "How in the world have I accumulated SO MUCH crap?!?" Then "Stop This Train," by John Mayer played (dammit, Pandora.) and I found a box that reminded me of some college friends whom I miss terribly. Surprisingly, I did not cry (I am typically a hot mess when it comes to any type of life transition. When I was six years old I got a new bedroom set and cried for a week strait, when I got my braces on in seventh grade I did not speak or smile for three days. Like I said, hot mess).  But I was not sad that my friends and I could not be together or that I will be leaving home soon. Of course I miss my close friends and will surely miss my family, but instead of sadness I felt this overwhelming sense of gratitude. In that moment, I only felt thankful and blessed. Thankful that I have so many people that care deeply about me. Thankful that I care deeply about so many people. Thankful that my mom and dad are always there for me whenever I need them. Thankful for all of the opportunities and experiences I've had that have brought me friendships that will absolutely last a lifetime and probably longer because I think heaven will probably be a cool place to hang out. And finally, I felt so very thankful for moments like that one when you have an awe-inspiring sense of clarity and know for certain that you are exactly where you need to be.

Are you hard on yourself about where you should be in your life and what you're supposed to be doing? Are you thankful for where you are in life? What are you thankful for?


Monday, February 11, 2013

All the Single Ladies on the 14th

The evil Queen of Hearts from the 1951 Disney film "Alice in Wonderland."

This Thursday February 14th  is Valentines Day. If you couldn't tell from the advertisements and television shows, this is the most romantic day of the year and if you are single on this day you are a complete loser, especially if you are a woman.
As a single woman, you have a couple of options:
1. Be really annoyed that it's Valentines Day because that's so stupid ugh whatever
2. Get together with a bunch of lady friends and talk about how much men suck
3. Reminisce on failed past relationships
4. Watch a romantic movie by yourself, cry, and worry that you will never find someone to be with. Live tweet this experience, please.

No. Ewww no. Please do not do any of those things. And do not talk about how being single on Valentine's Day is so depressing because it's not. In the words of Sweet Brown, ain't nobody got time for that! If you are in a great relationship come February 14th, have fun and do something special. It's exciting to have someone special and I genuinely hope you have a happy heart day. If you are single on this Valentine's Day, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I would recommend doing the opposite of those silly sarcastic things I listed above such as:
1. Have fun. Wear red. Smile. Make some valentines for coworkers, friends, or family
2. Go out and get drinks with your single girlfriends or guy friends- catch up and laugh
3. Don't dwell on past relationships. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. Your moment will come. Those relationships weren't right. You learned something from them and are a better person that is going to find the right person for you someday. Believe that and have hope.
4. It's okay to watch a romantic movie, but be excited that your romantic story could be just around the corner. Please tweet the channel the movie is on because I love a good romantic dramedy.
5. Listen to "Happy Valentines Day" by Outkast because it has a great beat. I do this every year.

In short, be hopeful and positive. Stay as far away from bitter as possible- nothing good comes from from being bitter and I guarantee you will not find a happy and successful relationship as a bitter person. Buy yourself some chocolate because it's an awesome excuse, and have a Happy Valentine's Day!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Try Again

Had a wonderful weekend full of skiing in Holiday Valley with family. My family and I ski once a year so I'm no expert. I'm usually very timid and play it safe at the top of the mountain. My brother has always been so brave when it comes to skiing. Starting at a pretty young age he insisted on skiing as many black diamonds as possible. Five years older and much less bold, I would follow him nervously while praying for my safety. Obviously if my little brother was brave enough to do it, I had to at least pretend I was brave enough.

This trip was different. After I got warmed up, I was confident. I became bored with my typical runs and found myself wandering off on my own to conquer parts of the mountain that once terrified me. I did some of my best skiing ever. I also had one of my craziest wipe outs. My cousin and I were skiing down a pretty tough black diamond. The moguls were a little icy, but I was getting the hang of them. "FINALLY," I thought. "Wrong," the world said. And I slid in between two moguls into about two feet of snow. I ended up face down in the snow, my right ski 10 feet up the hill from me, my left ski still attached to my boot. My little cousin stopped quickly and asked, "Are you okay?" "Yes," I said. And then we both laughed so hard we cried. I could barely stand up I was laughing so much. The thought of that wipe out still cracks me up. And the fact that I had to walk up the hill to retrieve my other ski. It must have looked absolutely ridiculous. After that fall, I was ready for anything. I wasn't afraid to fall anymore.

Sure we have all heard this story before.
"Big risk, big reward."
"There's no success without failure."
"If at first you don't succeed, try again."

All of these sayings are so cliché, but do you know why? Because they're absolutely true. These are such familiar and overused expressions because they are incessantly proved correct. Time and time again we find that if we get back up after we fall, we can successfully finish something that once had us completely stumped.

I'll leave you with this quote by the star of Space Jam (because how awesome was that movie/soundtrack):

That's all folks!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Keep Moving Forward"

Read this quote this past Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I haven't been able to get it out of my head all week. Dr. King was such an important leader in the civil rights movement and lived an inspiring life full of purpose. Thank you, Dr. King and may we always "keep moving forward."


Ugh, Winter

The 30 Rock series finale is this week. Gotta love Liz Lemon.
Is anyone else having trouble fighting off the winter blues? I have to admit I am struggling quite a bit. Many of my friends, and as a result readers, live in the south. To you I say, go outside and go for a run because it's probably around 70 degrees wherever you are and I absolutely wish I could join you. I am extremely jealous, but I will be instagramming pictures of snow-covered trees to make you feel like you are missing out on something fabulous.

The truth is, it is freezing cold almost all the time and completely dark by 6pm. I have every intention of being productive when I get home from work. Instead, I find myself burrito-d in my favorite blanket watching Netflix immediately following dinner (usually 30 Rock-it's so funny). I think about hibernation a lot. Black bears sleep off an entire season- they can go 100 days without eating, drinking, exercising, peeing, etc. Clearly, I have googled this topic extensively and need to give up because modern society will never allow humans to hibernate.

I have lived in Ohio my entire life. I lived in Houston, TX for a couple of months one summer, but Ohio has always been my permanent residence. Ohio is a great place to live just like anywhere is a great place to live if you are a positive person and seek out the fun in life. Rose colored glasses can be worn anywhere. The winter is tough, but I try to tell myself it makes us all stronger. It was 20 degrees this morning and I went on a 3 mile run. That's some tough shit right there. While winter is definitely my least favorite season, I can recognize that it does come along with some good things so allow me to very originally list them in picture/caption form and then I will bid you adieu:
Playing in the snow. I hope to have children someday to make this seasonal desire more socially acceptable in my adulthood.
Hot Chocolate. Duh. Check out this delicious homemade recipe.

A nice warm fire.

Winter sports. Looking forward to skiing at Holiday Valley this weekend.

Winter fashion. Loving this Betsey Johnson coat. And of course, puffer vests :)
I know winter can be long, cold, and dark, but I think if we keep in mind the good things about this season, the summer sunshine will be out before we know it. Do you like winter? Or does it get you down? How are you faring this winter season?
