We all have that girlfriend or family member who is struggling, unsure of themselves, and trying to find their way in the world. How many times have you heard other women say, "I hope she finds someone." As if loving someone else will solve all of her issues with herself. You know what I hope for that scared young woman? I hope she finds herself. I hope she learns what she wants and how to make herself happy all on her own. I hope she is able to look in the mirror and know she is beautiful inside and out - without validation. I hope she finds confidence and strength to deal with the challenges that life will undoubtedly throw her way. I hope she finds work that satisfies her and provides her with enough means to live comfortably. Someone once said to me "you're the only person who is with you for your entire life- so you should probably learn how to get along with yourself." How true that is. Love is a fantastic and beautiful thing, but only after you have a handle on your relationship with you. Carrie Bradshaw said it best:
"...the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."