This trip was different. After I got warmed up, I was confident. I became bored with my typical runs and found myself wandering off on my own to conquer parts of the mountain that once terrified me. I did some of my best skiing ever. I also had one of my craziest wipe outs. My cousin and I were skiing down a pretty tough black diamond. The moguls were a little icy, but I was getting the hang of them. "FINALLY," I thought. "Wrong," the world said. And I slid in between two moguls into about two feet of snow. I ended up face down in the snow, my right ski 10 feet up the hill from me, my left ski still attached to my boot. My little cousin stopped quickly and asked, "Are you okay?" "Yes," I said. And then we both laughed so hard we cried. I could barely stand up I was laughing so much. The thought of that wipe out still cracks me up. And the fact that I had to walk up the hill to retrieve my other ski. It must have looked absolutely ridiculous. After that fall, I was ready for anything. I wasn't afraid to fall anymore.
Sure we have all heard this story before.
"Big risk, big reward."
"There's no success without failure."
"If at first you don't succeed, try again."
All of these sayings are so cliché, but do you know why? Because they're absolutely true. These are such familiar and overused expressions because they are incessantly proved correct. Time and time again we find that if we get back up after we fall, we can successfully finish something that once had us completely stumped.
I'll leave you with this quote by the star of Space Jam (because how awesome was that movie/soundtrack):
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