Friday, September 13, 2013

Bounce Back

Can you really call yourself a big city gal if your car hasn't been towed twice in one week for a sweet deal of $700 in cash all because you forgot to display your parking pass? I've verbally abused myself, the towing company, and our adorably nonsensical apartment manger quite a bit this week - not publicly of course, just to my mom, roommate, and boyfriend. I realize I am a bit harsh on the apartment-manager-that-must-not-be-named, but this person will not allow my roommate and I to purchase (for a small monthly fortune) a second parking pass so that we don't have to keep sharing the one flimsy thing - mind you, I have never seen our parking lot full- not even close. I know the Biebs said not to say never but NEVER. Therefore, adorably and nonsensical are the adjectives I am sticking with.

It could be much worse, but this week has been challenging to say the very least. The eternal optimist in me feels the most important piece of that sentence is that "it could be much worse." Because it could be. Frustrating things happen and we all make dumb mistakes, but how important it is to be able to bounce back and move on with your day? Epictetus was so right, "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."

How do you bounce back?


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