It's easy to get sucked into that little screen - especially now that it has your work email, social networks, texts, and picture shares all in an instant. I am absolutely guilty of choosing my phone over real life at times - but I'm actively working on getting away from this bad habit It feels good to forget your phone. Or forget to charge it and let it die - I am notorious for this. If you don't take a picture, instagram a video, or tweet something witty, it all still happened. And you probably were more in tune with whatever spectacular moment you chose to live instead of simply document. Love, Logan
This photo that one of my fabulous co-workers sent me this morning ensuring that my weekend will be awesome. This is her dog at her desk. I loled. All the credit goes to her, but I had to spread the joy.
Can you really call yourself a big city gal if your car hasn't been towed twice in one week for a sweet deal of $700 in cash all because you forgot to display your parking pass? I've verbally abused myself, the towing company, and our adorably nonsensical apartment manger quite a bit this week - not publicly of course, just to my mom, roommate, and boyfriend. I realize I am a bit harsh on the apartment-manager-that-must-not-be-named, but this person will not allow my roommate and I to purchase (for a small monthly fortune) a second parking pass so that we don't have to keep sharing the one flimsy thing - mind you, I have never seen our parking lot full- not even close. I know the Biebs said not to say never but NEVER. Therefore, adorably and nonsensical are the adjectives I am sticking with. It could be much worse, but this week has been challenging to say the very least. The eternal optimist in me feels the most important piece of that sentence is that "it could be much worse." Because it could be. Frustrating things happen and we all make dumb mistakes, but how important it is to be able to bounce back and move on with your day? Epictetus was so right, "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." How do you bounce back?
When I was a little girl, I was very badwhen it came to going to bed. So bad that our pediatrician suggested to my mother to put a lock on the outside of my bedroom door. I would yell, scream, run out of my room, sneak out of my room, anything I could do to get out of going to bed. One night my uncle was over for a visit. It was about time for bed and, like clockwork, I began to whine. "I wish I was a grown up so I didn't have to go to bed!" I had a lot of energy, still do. My mom shook her head- she must have been pretty tired of my protests by that point. "Come here Logan," my uncle asked. I walked over to him. "You do not want to be a grown up, trust me," my uncle said. "What? Of course I do! You guys can eat whatever you want and you don't have to go to bed or anything," I explained. "You're right about those things, but you know what else we have to do?" he asked. "What?" I wondered. "We have to pay bills. Lots and lots of bills. We have to work all the time so we can make money to pay our bills. It is not fun and I wish I could be a kid again."
This conversation happened nearly 20 years ago and I remember it like yesterday- clearly, it made a big impact on me. Bills and work sounded way worse than eating apples and going to bed on time. That night I went right to bed and thought about what my uncle said. I decided I didn't want to be a grown up. Being a kid was really fun so I would just try to do that for as long as I could. My mom said that my dad was a "kid at heart"-he still is. He wanted to play games, make up songs, and joke around - he still does. I have always wanted to be like my dad in that way. This quote reminds me of the wild imagination and sense of wonder we adults tend to lose in the day-to-day routine of working hard and paying bills. To me, being a kid at heart means keeping life fun, hopeful, and positive. So remember, "keep believing, keep pretending."